Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What is Policosanol? What Does it Do?

What is Policosanol? What Does it Do?
By Karen A Graham Platinum Quality Author

These are both very good questions if you suffer from high cholesterol.

This phytochemical is found in waxes of certain plants. These plants are normally high carbohydrate plants even though the phytochemical itself is not. In fact it doesn't increase blood sugar levels at all within the body.

Policosanol though has many additional health benefits that other cholesterol treatments don't have. These include:

Improving the health of all the vessels within the body and the brain.

This is really an essential benefit because it helps prevent strokes and blocked arteries, i.e. angina or heart attacks.

The other thing to take into consideration is the fact that it does not have the nasty side effects of asprin. Asprin is a common treatment given to diabetics and those at risk of heart conditions and strokes however asprin does have some nasty side effects including abdominal pain, wheezing, difficulty in breathing and others.

In trials this wonderful, natural alternative showed much more positive results as can be seen below:

Rats given mega-doses, of up to 1724 times of normal human consumption, showed no signs of toxicity. Monkeys and dogs also given high doses of policosanol over a long period of time also did not experience toxicity.

So to answer my two questions, what is policosanol and what does it do? Simply put it is a superb phytonutrient that protects the body against strokes and heart attacks by reducing the amount of LDL's (bad cholesterol) in the body, increasing the good cholesterol and improving the body's vascular system.

The best way that I have found of taking it on a daily basis is as part of a truly remarkable daily nutritional supplement that contains many wonderful phytonutrients including resveratrol, curcumin, aloe vera, decaffeinated green tea extract and many others. In fact there are over 70 life enhancing nutrients that all come from natural sources.

I have been taking this supplement now for nearly a year and I have found that my energy levels have improved, I don't seem to get colds, my skin is in great condition, I also do not get hot flushes when I am taking it, this certainly is not the case when I don't.

The other wonderful thing about them is that they are individually geared to different groups, e.g. males, females and children. They are also enterically coated to ensure that all the nutrients in them get delivered safely to the small intestines, where they can be absorbed into the body rather than being ruined by the high acidity of the stomach.

If you would like to know more about what is policosanol and what does it do or any other aspect relating to health then please visit my website www.total-supplements.info today.

Karen is an holistic therapist, health and nutrition researcher. Visit her site to find out what ingredients work best to battle the causes of aging and promote optimal health, one is policosanol and discover her recommendations to her clients.

You may use this article or any parts of it as long as you include my name and website address.

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