Monday, August 10, 2009

fish oil

Fish Oil Simplified - How Much Should You Swallow?
By Ryan Pasquill

The oil derived from fish, has an increased reputation for its beneficial effects upon the heart and circulation, as it has both anti inflammatory and blood thinning properties. If that is not enough it also has a wonderful effect of keeping the brain in tip top condition, a fact which is now verifiable instead of being an old wives tale.

So to get the benefits of this top up how much should we take on a daily bases? Of course, like everything in life, there is no single definitive answer. Age is a definite factor especially when it comes to young children. The older you are the more you need to take in order to keep the body efficient.

While younger ones need fish oil for their developing brains we older ones need it to maintain the mental status quo. Hopefully younger ones have no need to worry about heart problems just yet, but we older ones should always have this as a concern, since stresses and a possible lack of magnesium in our diet do take their toll upon the heart strings.

How much supplementation do we need to take in order to protect our hearts and brains and the functions of many other organs? Its hard to say since various reputable authorities recommend anything between 300mg to 1000mg per day.

Most of the super market oils are both omega 6 rich and rancid. Omega 6 oils are important but must be in a ratio of 2 parts omega 6 to 1 part omega 3, in order to be beneficial to health. Generally speaking we have too much omega 6 in our diet, very little omega 3 with the added problem that rancid oils are dangerous.

Fish oil which contains the fatty acids known as EPA and DHA not only act as blood thinners to relieve blood pressure but they also help with cholesterol problems. Yes good fats actually burn fats, hence such are helpful in dealing with elevated cholesterol readings.

As you may already know, the body is not able to produce omega 3 fatty acids, that is why they are called EFA, because they are essential to health and essential to your diet as that is the only way to obtain them along with supplementation.

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